Daily Devotional

Morning Inspiration – BE A DOER OF GOD’S WORD!

As you step out today, remember God’s word to you from Luke 11:28 [NLT]

“Jesus replied, “But even more blessed are all who hear the word of God and put it into practice.”

This bible verse is a reminder to us as believers of the importance of being a doer of God’s word because it is in the doing i.e in practicing what we hear through God’s word that we grow,  become mature and be more like Jesus.

The scripture also reminds us that “even more blessed” are we when we not only hear the word but put what we hear into practice. Because by putting God’s word into practice, it helps us to conform to his will and it also reflects our love for our Heavenly Father.

As a child of God, one of your priorities is to seek to know God more through his word. God’s word will only truly change you when you move beyond just reading and hearing his word to letting his word influence your every action and decision!

Therefore, As you go about your daily business and activities, make up your mind to be intentional about putting God’s word into practice because only then can you really grow spiritually and your truly impact others!

Remember, it is important to always remind yourself of God’s instruction to you so that you can continually be in His will. And enjoy His promises which is based on your total obedience to his will!
Today, be intentional about being a hearer and a doer of God’s word!

Do have a blessed and fruitful day!!

God bless you!

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