Daily Devotional

Morning Inspiration – GOD’S PROMISE TO YOU

As you step out today, here’s a reminder from God’s word to you from Jude 1:24 [NIV]

To God who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy– to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power, and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.”

As believers, this scripture should ignite joy within us as it is our confidence hope and assurance that God is committed to making sure that we finish our earthly race strong.

I remembered a couple of weeks ago, my ten months old daughter began to take her first baby steps and she was very excited at every opportunity to stand up and walk. But each time she got up and took few steps, she stumbled and fell back down on her bum.

Even though she fell back down every time she took those steps, she was determined to keep getting up. At this point, I stretched out my hand to her, beckoning on her to hold my hand for support and balance. She did, and together we walked side by side, with her feeling more confident.

This experience with my daughter reminded me of God’s commitment to us as his children to watch over us and to make sure that even while we may stumble, yet, He will not let us stay down. But He stands by us holding our hands as He helps us to navigate through the seasons of life together until we get to the finishing line.

Therefore, as you step into this new month of December and go about your daily business and activities, take time to meditate on this bible verse and let your soul rejoice knowing that the Lord is committed to you finishing strong and presenting you blameless and with great joy before his glorious presence. Hallelujah!

Do have a blessed and fruitful day!

My Prayer 🙏🏾 For You.
The Lord will keep you in your going out and coming in, the Lord will cause His face to shine upon, the Lord will ensure that nothing good dies in your hands and the Lord will prosper you in all your ways as you finish this year 2017 strong in Jesus Name. Amen



  1. Stella


    1. busolaadun

      Oh yes mum! God’s promises to us are so great!

  2. Abisola

    Thank you for the important reminder ma. A big amen to the powerful prayers. What a great assurance we have in Christ, hallelujah!

    1. busolaadun

      God bless you, dear Abisola xx

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