Daily Devotional


As you step out today, here’s a reminder from God’s word to you from Romans 10:17 [NIV]

“Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.”

The [HCSB] translation says ” So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the message about Christ.“

Today’s key verse reminds you and me as believers of a very powerful truth that is fundamental to our Christian walk. The truth that Faith in God comes only by “listening / hearing the goodnews about Christ”.

This verse also reminds you and me as believers that in God’s word lies the power for transformation. And the ear being one of the most powerful avenue that has the ability to convey faith to us as we seek to hear and obey God’s word which invariably produces faith in us.

Remember, Faith is crucial in your Christian walk as the bible says in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith it’s IMPOSSIBLE to please God. And Faith is only possible when you make out time to hear and obey God’s word. And obeying God’s word produces miracles, victories and breakthroughs!

Therefore, as you go about your daily business/activities today, be mindful about what you allow yourself to hear as what you hear can either build your faith or cripple your faith!

Surround yourselves with people that speak life and hope to you and reminds you of what God’s word says concerning you. Intentionally shut your ears to every negative thing, word or people that would build fear in you and hinder you from taking bold steps in line with God’s purpose for you!

Choose to meditate on God’s word and believe what it says about your situation/circumstances.

Remember, there’s power in what you hear as it has the ability to transform your life totally!

Have a blessed and fruitful day!

God bless you!

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