Daily Devotional

Morning Inspiration – A REMINDER TO BE THANKFUL!

As you step out today, here’s a reminder from God’s word to you from 1Thessalonians 5:18 [AMP].

 “…in every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus.”

The [TLB] Translation says,

“Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus”.

The [ISV] translation says

“In everything be thankful, because this is God’s will for you in the Messiah Jesus.”

Today’s key verse conveys the mind of our Heavenly Father to us his children and the attitude that He wants us to have at all times, i.e., in and out of season. An intentional attitude of thanksgiving, one that comes from deliberately thinking, pondering and meditating on what God has done, on the many blessings He has bestowed on you and not on prayers that seemed not to have been answered.

Apostle Paul the writer of this Bible verse is admonishing us as believers to be thankful no matter the circumstances but you are reading this verse right now (probably with tears in your eyes) and all you can think about are the seemingly unbearable challenges facing you, the difficult times you are going through, the pain, loss and heartbreak you have recently experienced or currently going through. And to be truthful the last thing you see yourself doing is to be thankful to God because you don’t see a reason to thank him, rather you have many whys to ask him.

Truth is life can be so overwhelming and challenging that it becomes so difficult to see that God has always been behind the scenes. Navigating your steps, loading you with daily benefits, taking care of your needs and making all things work together for your good even your unanswered prayers are blessings in disguise.

Life can sometimes bring very difficult seasons that it blindfolds you from seeing the many battles that God is fighting for you and the many victories He has won on your behalf.

Sometimes until we deliberately stop, take a pause in the midst of our busyness, we will never realize that there are so many blessings that surround us or that we enjoy which were answers to our silent, desperate prayers.

However little you might think those blessings are compared to the enormous prayers you want God to answer desperately. Remember that if God did not give you those seemingly small blessings, it would impact on so many areas of your life!

Therefore, as you go about your daily business and activities today, pause and think about all the many blessings that God has bestowed upon you and you will see that there are so many reasons to be thankful and grateful to God for! Let your attitude be that of a child that is ever grateful for every gift, whether big or small.

Lamentations 3:22-23 also reminds us of why as believers we need to be thankful, it says “The steadfast love ( lovingkindness) of the LORD never ceases; his mercies ( compassion) never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness,” Hallelujah!

Being thankful while you go through very difficult times is never going to be easy this is why you have to be deliberate and intentional about counting your blessings and casting your mind back at all the testimonies God has given to you in times past.

Remember, you can never buy God’s mercies or his steadfast love, there’s nothing you have done that made you earn it. They are simply God’s gift to you and me as his beloved children. So today be intentional about being thankful in all circumstances ( starting with the breath God gave you which allows you to move around and carry out your daily business) as this is our Heavenly Father’s will for those of us that belong to Christ Jesus.

Never forget, every gift God gives to you, no matter how little you think it is; it is never insignificant; it is all part of the more significant blessings!

Have a blessed and fruitful day!

God bless you!


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