Daily Devotional


As you step out today, here’s a reminder from God’s word to you from 2 Corinthians 10:12b [NIV] says

“When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise”.

Today’s key verse is a very important reminder of the dangers of comparing ourselves to others. The bible clearly states that when we take the route of comparing ourselves with others and begin to gauge our success based on others achievements, we show that we are unwise!

It is, therefore, crucial for us as God’s children not to be caught up in the web of comparison because it can lead to all sorts of negative desires and outcomes.

Therefore, as you go about your daily business and activities, Remember to keep your focus on the Lord and His purpose for your life. Don’t get distracted by others success and begin to compare yourself to them.

God has created you for a specific purpose that only you can fulfill, so focus on that! There’s nothing wrong with celebrating others success and also to be genuinely happy for them, but we begin to tread on dangerous grounds when we get caught up in measuring ourselves against their achievements.

Again, I say don’t get caught up comparing yourself to others such that you begin to doubt yourself and feel unqualified! There’s so much beauty, value, skills, talent, charisma, and specialty in you that only you can bring like no other.

Remember, we all have different paths in life which are characterised by ‘Time and Seasons’. So focus on the Lord’s guidance and leading to walk your path and finish your race!Remember to focus on God’s purpose and assignment for your life and get good at it and be the best at it too and bless others while you are at it.

Remember to focus on God’s purpose and assignment for your life and get good at it and be the best at it too and bless others while you are at it.

Have a blessed and fruitful day!

God bless you!



  1. Femi

    Awesome!!! Truly blessed by this!!!

    1. busolaadun@gmail.com

      Thank you love!!

  2. Stella


  3. Opara

    So true! 👍❤️

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