Daily Devotional

Morning Inspiration – FORGET THE FORMER THINGS!

As you step out today here’s a reminder from God’s word to you from Isaiah 43:18-19 [NLT]

“But forget all that–it is nothing compared to what I am going to do. For I am about to do something new ( I am doing a new thing!). See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland”. 

Hallelujah! Reminiscing about all that God has done for you in time past is very important, and the bible in several places encourage us as believers to do this; Also taking time to count our blessings shows our heart of gratitude to God -Deuteronomy 37:7-8. 

However, Today’s key verses reveal to us that God has something bigger and better stored up for us, much more than the blessings we have previously experienced which is why God is saying to us it is time to FORGET THE FORMER THINGS! This is true because, with God, there is never a better yesterday! God wants us to be excited at all that He wants to do in our lives even beyond the blessings we currently have because He wants to do a NEW THING  in our lives. So it is time to FORGET THE FORMER THINGS!

Let’s take a moment to look at today’s key verses again – God says He will “make a pathway through the wilderness and He will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” Wilderness and Wasteland refer to a place of dryness, dead situations and a place where things can’t and don’t flourish. Yet God is saying in these same places; He will create rivers and make a pathway. God is speaking to you and me that He is giving us ideas, birthing ministries in our hearts and bringing blessings our way that will not only add to us but will bless and impact the lives of others. 

It is vital to heed God’s word to us and  Forget the Former things. Let us choose to obey His word by not dwelling on the past because dwelling on the past, has the potential of robbing us of the blessings stored up for us in the now. It can also deprive us of seeing the ‘NEW’ that God is set to do in us or is doing already! 

Therefore, as you go about your daily business/ activities be excited at all that God is preparing and has begun to do in your life and family ( even if you can’t seem to see it, Believe me, He is working things out behind the scenes). Thank God for this NEW THING He is set to do in your life. Be alert in the spirit to every instruction and direction He is going to be giving you and above all stay sensitive always to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Remember, God wants to glorify Himself in and through your life so that through you the world may know and truly believe that God is True, Faithful and Real! 

Have a Blessed and Fruitful day!

God bless you!


  1. Femi Obasan

    Deep & geat inspiration for the day . Well done Sis

    1. busolaadun

      Thank you so much bro, God bless you!

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