Daily Devotional

Morning Inspiration – BRING OUT THE BEST IN OTHERS!

As you step out today, here’s reminder from God’s word to you from Colossians 4:6 (NLT)

“Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone”.

The (MESSAGE ) translation says

“Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out.

Today’s key verse reminds us as God’s children of one of the most important roles we are called to fulfill as believers and that is to not judge but to show love and to bring out the best in others through every conversation we have with them.

Sadly, we live in a world today, where people are quick to judge and to pull others down with their words. And unfortunately, so many Christians are also caught up in this ungodly behaviour. As believers, we are called to be light and to do things differently and it is our responsibility to show love to others so that they can see that we are a unique and different breed.

The world would cuss at any and everything, but we are to lead by example by speaking words that are gracious and attractive.

Let us commit to speaking gracious words that build others up in our workplace, university, on the bus, train etc.

The HolySpirit is reminding us as God’s loving children who have experienced the love, mercy, and forgiveness of Christ to also extend love to others by speaking words of hope and comfort to others and engaging in conversations that will build other up, not put them down and not cut them out,

Therefore, as you go about your daily business and activities, be mindful of obeying this scripture.  Let the instructions in today’s key verse be your resolve and a daily commitment.

Yes, I know that your flesh can be telling you that it is difficult to be gracious in your speech all the time because you encounter haughty people in your place of work, university etc who seem to frustrate every attempt you make or are making to have gracious conversations.

I implore you, to not let people’s attitude, behaviour and responses stop you from being a Christ Representative and Ambassador. If you ever feel tempted to react or respond negatively to people or to be haughty towards them, just remind yourself – what would Jesus do?

Remember you have the Holyspirit within you to help you manifest the fruit of the spirit and to live out God’s word daily, so work in partnership with the HolySpirit.

Being a child of God requires intentional living and obedience to God’s word, therefore choose to show love, kindness, mercy, patience to others as you have been shown unconditional love and mercy by Christ!

Don’t relinquish your power to others by making you speak negative words. Know this – you will only be giving others power over you when they can successfully influence and control the direction of your attitude.

Do have a blessed and fruitful day!

God bless you!


  1. Samantha Weekes

    “Don’t relinquish your power to others by making you speak negative words. Know this – you will only be giving others power over you when they can successfully influence and control the direction of your attitude”. This is so true. I remember having an argument with my husband and then afterwards blaming him for making me say certain things that certainly did not portray the love of God. It was indeed my flesh and my own desire to ‘win’ the argument. Oh how we need the Holy Spirit and the daily infill of God’s Word to overcome every trap that awaits us. Thanks for this powerful word, as always.

    1. busolaadun@gmail.com

      Oh yes how we need the Holyspirit to help us not walk by our flesh and He promise to help us with our daily problems, too🙌🏾 hallelujah. It is also such a joy to know we can cry out to our Heavenly Father’s for forgiveness when we err and He is ever so faithful to forgive us of our unrighteousness! We are loved by Him. God bless u sis xx

  2. Stella


    1. busolaadun@gmail.com

      That’s what we should strive to do as believers! God bless you dear mum xx

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