Daily Devotional

My very first blog post!


Finally, I get to write my very first blog write up, and I am very excited just like a little child with a new toy. Blogging is a wholly unique experience for me but not writing. I enjoy writing, and this extends to academic writing too! I love putting down my thoughts as inspired by the Holyspirit and sharing them on my social media platforms to encourage and also to get people thinking.

I believe that the words we speak, write and share can touch, motivate, empower and transform lives! So, since I am new to the blogging platform, I believe its a new learning curve for me and I am excited at all this platform has to offer me and my audience as we interact together.

So let me briefly share my heart with you all regarding things I will be writing about. As a Christian one of the crucial thing I have discovered in my faith journey is that Faith is the very essence of a believer, i.e., it is the core and life that we function in, more like the engine of a car. And everything we must do must hinge on Faith to be able to live victoriously here on earth and partake of all that Christ has freely given to us through the price He paid on the cross of Calvary.

Just as the bible emphatically state in Romans 10:17 “So then Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. I believe that the words of faith we hear, act upon and align ourselves to, helps us genuinely experience victory in the midst of the chaos in our world! As I have grown in my walk with the Lord, one thing that I love to do is to encourage believers practically and to share the love, and abundant grace of Christ to those who don’t know Jesus.
God’s word is the truth, and it brings hope to every hopeless situation. I have applied, and l keep employing this truth to my everyday life, condition, and circumstances. I continue to be strengthened in my walk with the Lord and in all that life throws my way.

It has been a roller coaster journey in my faith walk with the Lord, and I know it’s the same too for many of you reading this post right now. However, I have come to that point in my life where I am learning to trust God more by doing what His word says and not allow worry to steal my peace and joy but to do what God’s word says in Matthew 6:25-34 ”Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?”

The truth is, worry only makes it worse, and it empowers fear to take over our heart. Philippians 4:6 also admonishes us as believers not to give in to worry which I see as a command ‘Do Not Worry’ but to trust the Lord completely. Proverbs 3:5 says “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Thank you for joining me on this journey, I pray that we will finish strong in Jesus name!

God bless you x

Sunset at Magaluf beach. Took this Picture in 2016 while on a family vacation in Mallorca, Spain. Photograph: @Bzionphotography



  1. Abimbola Arawande

    Awesome piece dear PBus! ‘Rooting for you all the way. Stay highly blessed and favoured!😘

    1. busolaadun@gmail.com

      Awwh… thank you so much PB for your constant push to do what God places in my heart per time. And for your love and constant support. Love u much! xxx

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